As the sun began it’s rise in the clear Indiana sky, the promise of another hot, summer day unfolded. I was driving from a friend’s house in a neighboring town. It was the morning of July 4th, 1976.

Many thoughts went through my head as I rolled onward. I was young with a lot to look forward to including the events of the holiday. The Fourth was a big deal in my small town. Lots of friends, parties on the lake and even a parade. And fireworks of course. Real Midwest Americana stuff. Life was good.

I guess he was about a half mile down the road when I first noticed him. He looked to be about my age as he emerged from the field of corn. One hand held a small bag, the other extended a thumb. Now, as a rule I never picked up hitchhikers. I had flipped through enough True Detective magazines to learn that. But on this day, for some reason I have never quite put my finger on, I thought “What the hell”. As I slowly passed him , I pulled to the side of the road.

He walked up to the car and looked at me through the open passenger side window. “Jump in” I heard myself nervously say. He opened the door and sat beside me.

The first thing I noticed was how wet his clothes were. He had slept in the field and was covered in dew. He was dirty as well and didn’t smell good. Suddenly, he held up the bag and blurted “Wanna piece of bread?” I was kind of hungry but declined. I pulled back onto the road and we began our unlikely journey.

A few awkward minutes passed. I finally asked him “How long you been out here? “Five years”came the reply. “Oh”I replied. So where you headed?””East he said. I’m going East.” “Oh.” I said again, anxious to fuel the conversation,”Is that where you live?” I immediately felt the sting of stupidity. He obviously did not have a home. He turned to me as his trance lifted and said “No, no, I’m going to see the Tall Ships”.

I had read about this. The Tall Ships were part of the massive, 200th anniversary of the USA. The Bicentennial. In 1976, for the first time in history, many of the Tall sailing ships from around the world gathered at Newport RI and sailed together majestically. “Wow ” I thought to myself. This guy is going to see the Tall Ships while I am popping a PBR on a pontoon boat.

We drove on and before too long we came to the junction of a major highway. “Here”he said. This is good”. I pulled over, he shook my hand and said “Thanks, have a good Fourth”.

As I accelerated, I looked in my rear view and saw him getting smaller and smaller, until he disappeared from sight. A thought occurred to me about how we are all so different and yet, so alike.


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